Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Just had a ridiculous, long conversation with Kirsten who lives thirty driving hours away from me. That's a lot of driving, and it's too bad. Becuase I'd drive to visit her if it wasn't so far away. So much for going to bed at decent hours. I apparently suck at that, big time. Oh well. I feel like a winner at the game of life right now, and that feeling has not hit me very much recently. It feels pretty nice. So, I'm going to forget that I'm up unreasonably late and just realize that tomorrow, I might not feel this good.

Also, I miss Whitney a lot. It's hard having someone you're really close to just be so unreasonably far away for so long.

I know, a shocking moment of humorless candor. But hey, I'm the straight talk express. And I'm tired. And I don't even know how much senses I'm making. There will be no proofreading. Only semi-careful typing. Have you had these Munchies things frito lay makes? Man, are they good. It's snack food for the indecisive, finally. Now, if only they could introduce salted meats and chocolate into the equation and sell the things with a bottle of mountain dew, I'd...well, to be honest, I'd probably get sick. Especially at this time of night. Also, I think I have that SARS for real. Well, assuming Jade has SARS. If she doesn't, then maybe I'm just sick. But sick or not, I'm seeing Ben Folds on Thursday. I cancelled the first ever Death Metal Band Practice for it.

Consider that a cliffhanger.


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