Friday, November 16, 2001

Really tired. Just got back from Thursday Night mcdonalds with Abel and Dan. They let me get hotcakes, even though they weren't serving breakfast. Wonderful people. Amy, you need to eat McDonald's hotcakes. Anyone who reads this blog and hasn't had 'em, let me know. I'll hook you up. We just got to see the new starwars trailer that comes out with Harry Potter's honestly amazing. You should all download it, seriously. You can download it right here. So, another week come and gone. Coffee: Day 4 went was good coffee, as far as coffee goes. Raspbery swirl or something. I think my niche in the coffee world is about 1.5 creamers and 3 packets of sugar. Tomorrow ends the experiment, and I still don't know how I feel about coffee. Oh well. I've done it. I did go to sociology, it was just a movie. So all is well in the world and I have this big feeling of satisfaction because 1-I just saw that trailer about 10 times. 2-Hotcakes. at 1 in the morning. 3-going home tomorrow, and going to have a great weekend. Oh, and 4 - last night when Dan and I couldn't sleep...well, we sort of built a fort in our dorm room. I'm in it right now. I think all that is enough to give anyone a big feeling of satisfaction and happiness.


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