Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Today, my time was spent between working on a group blog for some Rockford kids, reading stuff and downloading endless ammounts of christmas songs. There are so many bad christmas songs it's ridiculous. Seriously. And I blame morning radio DJs. They are some big-time creators of novelty christmas songs. Anyway, it wasn't eventful, but it was fun..and I did manage to find some good songs. Then I went to class. After that, I worked on some of my music, ate dinner and hung out with the boys. Since then, I've been working on music (Dan's in Rockford) and watching parts of DVDs. It's been good. As for Coffee: Day 2, well..the coffee from day one was better. Today was irish cream coffee, and I tried Abel's flavoring method (1 cream, lots of sugar) and it turned out okay. Still nasty, though. Still coffee. Dan likes equal in coffee, so he's going to try and score some in Rockford so I can have his style tomorrow. We'll see. For now, I'll sleep.


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