Five things at McDonalds that always sound better than they are:
1.Mc Rib
2.Shamrock Shakes
3.Anything with bacon
4.McChicken Premier (UK only)
5.Feeling in your stomach afterwards
You know how people eat things that sometimes then sit in their stomachs like a rock? Nothing ever sits in my stomach like that. But the other night I ate McDonalds after Dan, Jess and I saw Second City, and it nearly killed me. I went to bed at 1 a.m. and when I awoke at 5, I thought I was going to puke. But I couldn't. So I took a shower and laid back down, just trying to relax enough to fall asleep before the nastiness came back. Turned out okay, but man.
this kind of shit would never happen if I still ate at Perkins every friday.
1.Mc Rib
2.Shamrock Shakes
3.Anything with bacon
4.McChicken Premier (UK only)
5.Feeling in your stomach afterwards
You know how people eat things that sometimes then sit in their stomachs like a rock? Nothing ever sits in my stomach like that. But the other night I ate McDonalds after Dan, Jess and I saw Second City, and it nearly killed me. I went to bed at 1 a.m. and when I awoke at 5, I thought I was going to puke. But I couldn't. So I took a shower and laid back down, just trying to relax enough to fall asleep before the nastiness came back. Turned out okay, but man.
this kind of shit would never happen if I still ate at Perkins every friday.