Thursday, April 03, 2003

More things to post:
"things I willl do to make myself a better person"
"Songs you should download!"

Problems with these two:
What could I do to make myself a better person? The usual ideas involve "I think I'm going to stop drinking pop" and "I'm not going to swear as much." The problem is, I like swearing and pop. Plus, why do I feel the need to put myself out there as someone who is changing himself to be better? First off, I'm pretty fantastic to begin with. If I set out to improve myself, I might just be getting greedy and making a lot of other people look bad. Second, it's obnoxious to explain to everyone how I'm 'bettering myself.' it just is.

And, well...the 'songs you should download' is a puzzler. It doesn't seem like a good idea because, well, a)I'd rather make you a mix tape if you're interested and b)There's a really solid chance (in my previous experience) that nobody will listen to me. So, everyone go download Palmcorder Yajna by the Mountain Goats.

Actually, don't. It's an unreleased song, you'll probably never find it.
But you could always ask for a mix tape. :-)

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

So, maybe I'll revive this blog. I always want to get back into posting here, but here's the problem (in case you've forgotten.)

1.I post and post everything that happens to me. The humor, the intrigue. Then, I forget that I posted it and when I see someone in person and I get all excited about telling a story and go "Guess what happened to me yesterday!?" Then I get a sentance into the story and the person tells me they read it here. That's a bummer. I have a tendency to retell the same stories over and over anyway, so this helps nothing. And, ultimately (in the worst-case scenario) I cease to be interesting in real life.

2.I write a bunch of super opinionated stuff, and nobody wants to read it.

Right now, I think I might just go ahead and start posting the opinionated stuff. But I really would like some kids to read. I dunno. We'll see what happens.

Stuff I Could Write About
Records I like
Records I dont like
Records you should like but don't
Snacks that are tasty
Potential Halloween costumes
Nerdy discussions such as "what is an em dash?"

That's all for now, I'm going to go enjoy some of those records and snacks.

Monday, March 31, 2003