Friday, November 02, 2001

Halloween was cool. Paul was covered in red paint that wouldn't come off. Aparently I looked like Jim Halverson. So that's good. Then, after the party, Luke and Dan and I all went back to my house. Luke cracks me up. What a playa. Today was pretty paul put it, it was a perfect counting crows day. Don't know what that means? You're missing out. About a dozen people have told me to read the perks of being a wallflower, so I think I'm going to go to Barnes and Noble tomorrow and A)read it in the store or B)bite the bullet and purchase the book. But I'll probably just read it. My glasses are in Champaign. Anyone have a spare contact lens? Or maybe a monacle? I should get a monacle. How many people only have one nearsighted eye? I'd automatically be just like all kinds of famous celebrities and logos. So, I'm neglecting homework. Last night, Amy put makeup on Dan when Dan decided to cross-dress for the 3rd straight Halloween. Some of it's still there. It just won't come off. (I think that somehow, this means Amy wins. Don't ask me how, but I'm sure of it.) I'm going to see Monsters Inc. tomorrow...which is pretty great because the first new starwars trailer is going to be on it. Nerds everywhere are psyched. Anyway, I'd better get outta here and catch some Z's.

Wednesday, October 31, 2001

I know, no blogs yet this week and it's wednesday, but I've been...well, in limbo. Not a lot of things happening..this isn't bad or anything, it's just not something to write home about. Or, you know. Blog about. Today, however, has been great. If this morning was a baseball, I would have hit it out of the park. Well..that's assuming that for the sake of this illustration that I can hit a baseball. Anyway, it was great. I took a music test..I don't think I got a single quesiton wrong. Then, I went to my English class and it was really interesting. We got papers and tests back, and even though my paper wasn't long enough, the teacher said it was a tight argument and well-written enough to deserve a B (she said that she would have failed most papers that were that short). So that was a relief. Also got a B on the test, which I was fairly sure I had bombed. So, crack. Grand slam. To top it all off, it's a beautiful day, I really dig Halloween, and I'm gonna be chillin' like Bob Dylan in Rockford tonight, which should be fun. And I'm listening to the first Stereo record, which is just brilliant.

I've been doing plenty of deep thought during these last 2 days, and plenty of worrying about things, but all of the stupid things I worry about pale in comparison to the fact that today is shaping up to be a great day and I'm probably going to see lots of people I love tonight. So, kind of a sappy note to end the blog on, foe sho. But if sap isn't your thing, just rock out to this instead.

Monday, October 29, 2001

This was quite a weekend. I can't even decide what the high point was--it's a toss up between how hard I laughed Friday afternoon (while Amy was insisting that she always knows what I'm thinking) or how hard I laughed Saturday night at everything. I was in Champaign with a whole bunch of kids..even Landis. It was hilarious. From Darren and Dan reenacting parts of Dirty Dancing, to Darren doing his hair like the lead singer for Sum 41 and singing Pearl Jam songs to Landis being put into various painful wrestling holds. In one case, this guy Mike had Landis in a full nelson and was actually holding landis off of the ground...Landis was alternating between yelling "Ow! What am I doin'?" and ..well, yelling "Rahr!"..which, well, I can't explain Landis to you. Just read his webpage...the link is over there on the left. Too tired to type any links tonight. That about sums up my weekend..except, I also saw the play, which was fantastic (Jade says "bitten" funny. Hah!) It was a fun time. I laughed a lot. I ate pokey sticks at 2 am (and only those who have eaten pokey sticks can understand how good that is). I also met some cool new folks and slept way more than I should have. Yeah. This weekend was a winner. Now what am I going to be for Halloween?